

Liyana & Co. is a full-service law firm with its office in Shah Alam, Selangor. The following provides only a general description of our wide practice areas, and there are many specialised and nuanced areas of law that we practice as well. So, if you have a legal situation that doesn’t appear to fall into any of the practice areas below, please give us a call anyway.

Defamation Actions

(Saman Malu)

Muslim Will & Estate

(Wasiat & Harta Pusaka Muslim)

Company Law

(Perundangan Syarikat)

Criminal Law

(Undang-Undang Jenayah)

Employment Law

(Undang-Undang Pekerjaan)

Legal Training

(Latihan Perundangan)

Syariah Advisory

(Kes Syariah)

Drafting & Breach of Contracts

(Perangkaan & Kemungkiran Kontrak)

Cyber Crime

(Jenayah Siber)

Civil Litigation

(Undang-undang Sivil)

Tort Cases

(Undang-Undang Tort)

Debt Recovery & Execution of Judgements

(Tuntutan Wang dan Pelaksanaan Penghakiman)